Starvelab | "Welcome to the Jungle" from starvelab on Vimeo.
STARVELAB TOUR DATES: West Coast Tour Summer 2014
July 9 - Helmuth Projects, San Diego (8pm)
July 11 - artspace@ 435 S. Broadway, downtown Los Angeles (8pm)
July 18 - Book Zoo, Oakland (8pm)
July 19 - Artists' Television Access (ATA), San Francisco (8pm)
August 1 - 12128 space, Portland (8pm)
SUGAR - new music available as digital download and on cassette from San Diego's Rita Records.
SUGAR is a collection of analog modular synthesis music, made of sounds that are dreamy, druggy, sweet, gnawing and served with doses of noise to run down the edges of each patch.
movies music informationTell Them Everything / Remember Us (2013-14) SUGAR (2014) About Michael Trigilio & starvelab media Bodhisattva Superstar (2010) Everything Is Up (2009-12) other projects and collaborations: at The Ends (2009) I Never Meant to Do This (2007) Breaking Glass: My David Bowie Movie (2008) Death Metal David Bowie (2008) Thanks for Giving My Number Back (2007) Save As. . . (2006)