

Introduction to Media  


Galleries and Performances for required portion of grade



SPRING 2014- March 31- June 10

Email: mtrigilio@ucsd.edu
Office Hours – Visual Arts Facility (VAF) studio 511
Wednesdays 3:00pm - 3:50pm
TA office announced during first section meeting.

Operating as both a lecture and production course, this introductory class provides a technical foundation and theoretical context for all subsequent production-oriented film and video studies. In the laboratory, the student will learn the basic skills necessary to initiate video production. Completion of Visual Arts 70N is necessary to obtain a media card. Prerequisite: none. Materials fee required.


active and engaged participation in sections, labs, and lecture attendance
professional use of the media center
attending museums and gallery exhibitions
creative and courageous response to Mid-term and Final videos
actively resisting cynicism and fostering open-mindedness

1. An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others.
cynical, adj; 1.implies having a sneering disbelief in sincerity or integrity

Being intellectually and aesthetically dogmatic will not serve you as an artist and will adversely affect your performance in this course.


Presentation of new and challenging ideas about what film, video, and media art is currently and can be in the future.
Respect and honest critical feedback
A passionate and engaged articulation of course material, free of cynicism or contempt
Fair and honest grading of your participation, papers, videos, and other classwork.


A course reader has been prepared at the University Bookstore.

Grade Calculation
Midterm take-home exam 20%
Midterm video project 15%
Final take-home exam 20%
Final video project 15%
Section & Lab participation 25%
Museum/Gallery/Performance (3) attendance 5%

I will only accept assignments late if you have an excused absence from class or in an emergency situation about which you have spoken with me directly. Late assignments will be accepted at Instructor’s discretion.

Students are expected to attend all of every class meeting (including lectures, labs, and discussion sections). “Absence” is a word describing “the state of being away from a place.” If you are away-from-class, you will be considered absent (notwithstanding absence due to illness). If you are ill, you may miss class provided you present official documentation indicating your illness (a note from student health-services will suffice).

Three (3) absences = Lower final grade by one letter
Each additional absence = Lower final grade by 1/3-letter (meaning "plus" or "minus")

Arriving to class late three times will be noted as an “absence.” Thus, arriving to class late four times will lower the final grade by one letter.



updated March 28, 2014