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This schedule is subject to change:
FALL 2018 Graduate Teaching in Visual Arts
OUTLINE (items are subject to change)
Week 1
Introduction - round-table and experiences with teaching. Context for Teaching Assistant and Readerships in VisArts as a grader/reader/teacher Identifying “learning outcomes”
Week 2
Developing lesson-plans for lab and discussion sections. Strategies for identifying specific techniques or discussion topics from instructor’s lecture/presentation Resources and support Technique-training obstacles.
Make it Stick reading (pdf)
Week 3
“Experiential Learning” in VisArts lab sections and in discussion sections. Why do we have discussion sections in the first place? What kinds of lessons and exercises make sense in this context?
Week 4
Discussion of lecture observations.
Week 5
Grading student work and approaches for facilitating critique Developing a rubric and/or following a rubric from the instructor. Communicating with students about their progress
Week 6
The challenges of student participation and the “participation grade.” What to do if you encounter students with significant challenges or behavioral disruption CAPS as a University resource
Week 7
Discussion of classroom observations
Week 8
Week 9
Mentoring writers and teaching beyond the high-school term paper. Academic Integrity and plagiarism Designing quizzes or prompts that are difficult/impossible to plagiarize Grade norming and grade inflation
Week 10