- Thursday, March 13, 2025: Bookends and Beginnings (1620 Orrington Ave., Evanston, IL). Conversation with Liz Rose Shulman on her book of essays, Good Jewish Girl: A Jerusalem Love Story Gone Bad (Querencia Press). 6:00 p.m.
- Sunday, March 23, 2025: Sunday Salon Chicago Reading Series. Roscoe Books (2142 W. Roscoe St., Chicago). With Joseph Harrington (additional readers TBA). 7:00 p.m.
- The Punishment Book: The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 4 (poetry and prose). BlazeVOX [books], 2024.
- Craft: A Memoir (creative nonfiction). Marsh Hawk Press, 2023.
- The Beats and the Academy: A Renegotiation. Essay collection co-edited with Erik Mortenson. Clemson University Press/Liverpool University Press, 2023.
- Proof Something Happened (poetry). Marsh Hawk Press, 2021. Winner of the 2020 Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize (selected by Susan Howe).
- Ghosts of the Upper Floor: The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 3 (poetry and prose). BlazeVOX [books], 2019.
- Inside the Walls of My Own House: The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 2 (poetry). BlazeVOX [books], 2016.
- Dispatches from the Body Politic: Interviews with Jan Beatty, Meg Day, and Douglas Kearney (edited collection of interviews from Radio Free Albion poetry podcast). Essay Press, 2016.
- Elise Cowen: Poems and Fragments (edited collection). Ahsahta Press, 2014.
- The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 1 (poetry). BlazeVOX, 2014.
- White Noise (poetry). Apostrophe Books, 2013.
- Historic Diary (poetry). BlazeVOX, 2011.
- With the Memory, Which is Enormous (poetry). Main Street Rag, 2009.
- Make a Joke and I Will Sigh and You Will Laugh and I Will Cry (poetry). Scantily Clad Press, 2008.
- Visions and Divisions: American Immigration Literature, 1870-1930 (literature anthology). Co-edited with Tim Prchal. Rutgers University Press, 2008.
- Allen Ginsberg's Buddhist Poetics (criticism). Southern Illinois University Press, 2012 (paperback); 2007 (cloth).
- The Lama's English Lessons (poetry). Burnsville, MN: Three Candles Press, 2006.
- "Strange Prophecies Anew": Rereading Apocalypse in Blake, H.D., and Ginsberg (criticism). Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2000).
- "A solid barrier, razor wire." Western Humanities Review (Forthcoming, 2024).
- "The
night before my reading at Mac's Backs"; "What did my mother feel,
sitting in front of the television"; "Collins family lawyer Evan Hanley
begins another pompous Prince of Darkness ritual"; and "Count Petofi's
servant, Aristede, arrives in Collinwood in a moody overcoat." Mulberry Literary (Fall/Winter 2024).
- "Section 10, Lot 245, Grave Number 9" and "Relics." Unwoven Literary Magazine (Fall 2024).
- "Confidence is Prick Weak Since Last Summer"; "The War on Christmas"; and "To Treat Inoculation as Innuendo." Action, Spectacle (Summer 2024).
- "April Song"; "First Recess"; "In the Dark"; and "A Roll of the Metaphor Dice." R&R Journal (Summer 2024).
- "Ars Poetica, with Cat." Pleiades 44.1 (Spring 2024): 188.
- "Dear Stakeholders" and "516 South Lincoln Street." Mulberry Literary 8 (Spring/Summer 2024).
- "The Steeplejack." The Best American Poetry 2023. Ed. Elaine Equi. Series ed. David Lehman. New York: Scribner, 2023. 108.
- "Polyamorous Sentence Diagramming" and "Ghost Father." Marsh Hawk Review (Spring 2023).
- "An epic backup." Southern Poetry Review 60:1 (Fall 2022): 20-21.
- "The Importance of Being Obstinate." Marsh Hawk Press "Chapter One" Essay Series (October 2022).
- "In the Intersection, Jackson and State." Reprinted in Wherever I'm At: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry. Ed. Albert DeGenova, Don Evans, and Haki Madhubuti. Chicago: After Hours Press, 2022. 191.
- "Episode 737: January 1, 2020"; "Episode 781: April 6, 2021"; "Episode 807: July 3, 2022." Mystic Owl Magazine (Fall 2022).
- "The Steeplejack" and "Poem in Praise of My Wife." Marsh Hawk Review (Spring 2022).
- "On Poetics." The Laurel Review 54 (2021): 76-78.
- "Writing What You Don't Know: Poetry and the Arcane" (essay). Big Other (December 9, 2021).
- "Tony Trigilio's Playlist for His Poetry Collection Proof Something Happened." Largehearted Boy (May 26, 2021).
- "That morning, a terrified phone call." Salamander 51 (Fall/Winter 2020-2021): 38.
- "Poetic Influence, William Blake: 'You Never Know What is Enough Unless You Know What is More than Enough.'" Marsh Hawk Press "Chapter One" Essay Series (March 2021).
- "Passing Through Our Brief Moment in Time: A Poetics of the Ordinary." Marsh Hawk Press "Chapter One" Essay Series (November 2020).
- "Heart-to-Heart Daytime Programming"; "The Passive-Aggressive Specter Fastened to a Ventilator"; "How Do You Shingle Yourself." BlazeVOX Journal 20 (Fall 2020).
- "Self-Portrait in the Glare of Motion Detector Lights." North American Review: Open Space (November 3, 2020).
- "Practicing for the End"; "Episode 708: January 22, 2019"; "Episode 732: November 10, 2019"; and "Episode 746: March 21, 2020." Columbia Poetry Review 34 (Fall 2020).
- "Backfire
in the '90s"; "This Unusual Divinity"; "Under a Cellophane Awning";
"The Orgy Film"; "Autumn of the Duck-Walk Killer"; "Not Because I'm
Hungry"; "At 3:00, the Governor Speaks"; "Twilights"; "Episode 752:
April 28, 2020." Big Other (September 8, 2020).
- "Aristotle
Thrills the Fissure Step"; "We Should've Known Swindlers Can Pose as
Subterraneans"; and "The Seat, the Charlatan, the #Latergram." Posit: A Journal of Literature and Art 25 (September 2020).
- "Dating While Married" and "New Semester Diary." The Laurel Review 53.1 (Fall 2020): 16-18.
- "Dallas,"
"Crouched on the Walker Estate," "I Locked Him in the Bathroom to Stop
Him from Seeing Richard Nixon," "Oswald in Mexico," "The Red Flag Rises
from the Dome," "We Like Each Other Right Away," "Oswald Translates the
Queen of Spades Playing Cards with Ella," and "Closing Argument."
Reprinted and translated in La Nuova Poesia Americana: Chicago e le Praterie. Ed. Luigi Ballerini, Gianluca Rizzo, and Paul Vangelisti. Turin, Italy: Biblioteca Aragno, 2019.
- "Hello, It's Me." Alaska Quarterly Review 36 (Summer and Fall 2019): 192.
- "Love Poem, Hiding in the Basement." Antioch Review 77.2 (Spring 2019): 384.
- "The UFO Incident." The Eloquent Poem. Ed. Gabriel Fried and Elise Paschen. New York: Persea Books, 2019. 56-57.
- "The Gig Economy"; "A Story About My Grandfather"; "Episode 653: Christmas Eve, 1968." Columbia Poetry Review 32 (2019).
- Eight poems from Proof Something Happened, in Big Other (March 12, 2019): "Missing
Time"; "Beeping sounds in isolated locations all over the world,
driving away animals"; "If She Only Had Proof Something Happened";
"Transcript: Barney Hill's Hypnosis"; "Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence"; "The two witnesses prophesied for 1,260 days
wearing sackcloths"; "Betty Hill, 'Sightings Journal': April 28, 1978";
"From Outer Space with Love."