"England in 1819"

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Guide to the HyperText version of the poem


Some questions about the links I made

Form Content
  • This poem is a sonnet. Why would information on the sonnet be linked to the phrase "two edged sword" in the poem?
  • After reading the links on the sonnet in the final two lines, explain the significance of the final couplet to the poem as a whole (pay special attention to material on the Shakespearean Sonnet, also known as the English Sonnet).
  • How do the links on the "Regency Act" help navigate the poem as a whole?
  • What role do you think is played by the link to "The Well Known Microbe: E. coli"?
  • How do the links in lines 3-8 combine to create a coherent whole as you navigate the poem?
  • What is significant about the link located at the phrase "a book sealed"? Is this line an attack on Christianity, or something else?



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 Last modified February 17, 2001