"Behind Closed Doors in Washington"

Starve.Org interviews Frank Chu

I have two questions. When did you first find yourself in the United States protesting this? Did you protest this first in another country, or only in the United States?

Only in the United States. I've been protesting for about the past two years. Also, my voice might have been transforming with some telepathic counterparts, maybe beyond some Tectatronic theoretical physicists. Or Octrological conventional scientists. Or some Tentrological counterparts . . . maybe even some Zegnatronic humanoids . . . or maybe an Octrological a-steroids . . . or maybe even an Omegatronic androids. Maybe some kind of combinations that were, you know, like a Beta-
tronic human. A bionic man. Or Steve Austin, the Six-Million Dollar Man. Maybe even of some different Austrian ancestries, or Jewish ancestries.

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